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This report reflects GCNSA comprehensive progress during 2022 and highlights the Strategy and Plans for 2023.

Programmes Overview 2022:

2022 begun with much hope for recovery from the Covid Pandemic with several organisations returning to their physical workspaces or maintaining a hybrid system of working. While the severity of the Pandemic has receded, South Africa has faced a massive energy crisis resulting in rolling loadshedding, slowing down business activities and sustainable economic growth.

Programmatic Offerings

A Network of the world’s largest corporate sustainability platform, the Global Compact Network South Africa worked with participating companies during 2022 to identify opportunities that exist in Sustainable Development Goals, encouraging the integration of SDG priorities to accelerate impact on priority Goals. We believe that the SDGs present a myriad of business opportunities that business can realise through deep integration, ambitious action, innovation, and collaboration. The UN Global Compact Ten Principles on Human Rights, Labour Protection, Environmental Protection and Anti-corruption are foundational, and we encourage participants to take a principles-based approach in the delivery of the SDGs.

This annual report for 2022 reflects the Network’s collective achievements during the year and highlights what is new in our 2023 strategy, business model and governance.