The 2024 Voluntary National Review (VNR) for South Africa is now available! Led by the Global Compact Network South Africa, this review captures the private sector’s progress on the 2030 Agenda and SDGs, shaping South Africa’s National Report presented at the UN High-Level Political Forum in July 2024.
Connect with industry, experts peers enabling networks across organisations and sectors, unifying South African action.
Gain the knowledge and skills to make progress and deliver impact by showcasing South African best practice approaches.
Build trust and credibility by communicating your progress towards South African sustainability goals and targets.
Show bold leadership and inspire others. Enable opportunity for leadership to surface and flourish, share your expertise.
Quotations gathered during the Voluntary National Review 2024:
The Voluntary National Review 2024 benefited from the extraordinary support of sponsors, strategic partners and participating companies. The Global Compact Network of South Africa would like to thank:
Sponsored By:

Strategic Partners:

Participating Companies:
African Humanitarian Initiative
Afrika Burns Creative Projects
All About Africa
Allied Valve Specialists
Anglo American
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited
BAOM Eco Solutions
Basket Ecommerce
BDO Advisory
Big Impact Group
Bokashi Bran
Broz Interiors and Exclusive Flooring
Business Leadership South Africa
Bushveld Minerals
Business Leadership South Africa
C E Envirosol
Cane Growers
Centre for New Liberalism
Clicks Group
Daily Maverick
De Angelus and Angelus Africa
De Beers
Deloitte & Touche
Department of Mineral Resources & Energy
Digital Girl Africa
DNA Economics
DRD Gold Limited
DTB Legal
Edge Growth
Emergent Africa
Faded Black Innovations
Fire Storm Business Consulting
Flamenco guesthouse
Gillespie and Associates
Gold Fields
Goldilocks and The Bear Foundation
Green Building South Africa
Kasigreenkid and Project
Growthpoint Properties
Harmony Gold
Hodisang Community Development
Imerys South Africa
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Informal Economy Development Forum
Integrate Solutions
JTC Group
Kleinskuur Aquaponics
Kropz Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine
Kudumane Mine
Leungo Education
Madima’s Property & Investment
Makwande Group
Maseno University
Minerals Council South Africa
Modern Centric Holdings
Modern Community Foundation
Mr Price
MTN Group
MTW Investments
Myezo Environmental Management Services
Naspers and Prosus
National Business Initiative
National Separations
Northam Platinum
NPI Governance Consulting
Nude Foods
Old Mutual Limited
OneWorld Sustainable Investments
Orion Minerals
Pan African Resources
Patch-Up South Africa
Pick n Pay
Pivot Africa
Redefine Properties
SA Harvest
Salubata Official
Samancor Chrome
Sappi Southern Africa
School Central
Shop Zero
Sibanye Stillwater
South African Sugar Association
Sustainability Institute
Sustainability Projects
The South African Breweries
The SPAR Group
The Well Health Company
UMgeni -Uthukela Water
UNICEF South Africa
Unifrutti South Africa
Unlimited Group
Vodacom South Africa
VS Landbou
Women Secrets Corporation
Zululand Conservation Trust

The participants in the South African review of the private sector contributed case studies and examples of best practices in sustainability. Here are some of the stories that were shared:
Participating in the VNR Success Story Series:
Does your company have a sustainability story to share? The VNR Video series is running a communication campaign until July 2025. Here is how to join in and participate:
Round Table Recordings
The online round table sessions for industries and for and priority topic capture the dialogue between the VNR participant companies that informed the VNR Report. The conversations covered the opportunities that the private sector is facing.
Industry Round Table: Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Pharma & Health
Telecommunications, Education, & Media Industry Roundtable
Industry Round Table: Telecommunication, ICT, Education & Media
Mining, Natural Gas & Resources
Industry Round Table: Agriculture, Food Production & Retail
Industry Round Table: Financial Services & Fintech
- Private Sector VNR Report 2024
- Business Leadership Priorities
- Policy Enablement
- SA Global Goal Summaries
- SA Opportunities
- SA Priority Topics
- SA SDG Prioritisation
- Agriculture, Food Production & Retail
- Electricity, Water, Infrastructure & Real Estate
- Financial Services & FinTech
- Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Pharma & Health
- Mining, Natural Gas & Resources
- Social Enterprises
- Telecommunication, ICT, Education & Media
VNR Role Players
GCNSA Executive Director:
Dr Achieng Ojwang
VNR Programme Manager:
Rethabile Mbokodi
VNR Video Series:
Nolita Sinayhakh
Note that Empanda, a member of the GCNSA, is acting as the private sector VNR Facilitator and is responsible for production of our VNR Report. Contact from Empanda should be expected by participants in the Voluntary National Review process. You can find out more about Empanda at www.empanda.co.za
VNR Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the questions that prospective participants are asking. If you have any further questions, then please do let us know.
What is the United Nations Global Compact?
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative with 13,000 corporate participants and other stakeholders across 170 countries with two objectives: “Mainstream the ten principles in business activities around the world” and “Catalyse actions in support of broader UN goals, such as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. You can find out more at the website: https://www.unglobalcompact.org
What is the Global Compact Network South Africa (GCNSA)?
The Global Compact Network South Africa is a business-led platform, scaling and accelerating the collective business impact through the Sustainable Development Goals and by upholding the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.
What is the 2030 Agenda?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was launched by a UN Summit in New York on 25-27 September 2015 and is aimed at ending poverty in all its forms. The UN 2030 Agenda envisages “a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non-discrimination”. You can find out more at the website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/
What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?
Achieving all 169 targets would signal accomplishing all 17 goals. The SDGs cover social and economic development issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice. You can find out more at the website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300
What are the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact?
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. You can find out more at the website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org
Who is participating in the process?
The DPME approved that the GCN SA would be the private sector faciltitator of the VNR process in December 2019. In January 2019, the inaugural VNR Champions Round Table was convened to mobilise and process. This round table was attended by the following organisations: ABB Group, ABSA, Anglo American, AngloGold Ashanti, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), JSE, Narrative Labs, the National Business Initiative (NBI), Old Mutual, SAPPI, Sasol, Scatec Solar, Shared Value Africa Initiative, UN Human Rights Commission, and the UNFPA. Since then, further organisations have committed to participation. For information about the GCN SA membership, please visit our website: https://globalcompactsa.org.za/
Who do I contact for more information?
Please contact Dr Achieng Ojwang, Executive Director of the GCN SA for further information about the VNR: achiengo@globalcompactsa.org.za
What is a Voluntary National Review (VNR)?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development encourages member states to conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress, which are country-led and country-driven. These national reviews serve as a basis for the regular reviews at the UN Economic and Social Council. Reviews are voluntary, state-led, undertaken by both developed and developing countries, and involve multiple stakeholders. It will be the first time that South Africa has undertaken a Voluntary National Review.
Does participation in the South African VNR have a cost?
There is a participation cost of R50,000 in order to fund the cost of reporting and the production of individual and consolidated outputs. The fee also includes the cost of events and webinars. Bigger organisations are offering to sponsor smaller businesses that form part of their ecosystem, to ensure well rounded participation of companies of different sizes. Additionally, further avenues of funding are being investigated. There are options for organisations to contribute subject matter expertise, tools and other services.
What does my business get for participating?
Participation in the reporting process will give your organisation access to the VNR collaboration platform and process which will deliver an individual report, as well as input to the consolidated VNR report. CEO and leader quotations will be utilised in awareness communications about the South African transformation work associated with the 2030 Agenda. Additionally, each participant will input to and receive a 3-minute UN Global Compact branded case study about the positive impact it is making. These will be hosted on the GCN SA website and can be shared on social media and company websites. The fee also includes 3 key events during the process, and access to webinars and virtual forums that arise as a part of the 2030 Agenda. Most importantly, participation is the opportunity to collaborate with key private and public sector stakeholders on priorities for the South African National Development Plan and other initiatives designed to transform and innovate South Africa. These agendas are critical to showcasing South Africa as a country with a prioritised plan for overcoming the challenges of today to ensure growth and a better future.
Why should our business sponsor participation of a smaller business?
South Africa is unique in a global context because of its commitment to broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE). Stakeholders in the domestic and international community are largely unaware of the work being done in the private sector to accelerate transformation due to poor reporting and compliance. The VNR process is designed to tell a story, rather than report on numbers, and is an opportunity to demonstrate how larger organisations are investing in suppliers, economic development and socio-economic initiatives. Champion participants have indicated that there is a strong case for making the positive contributions of South African business more transparent. By including companies from your business ecosystem, further richer case studies can be exposed, demonstrating the dynamics of transformation, providing role model examples for positive change.
Can my business play a role in facilitating or adding value to the process?
There are many organisations that have capabilities, processes and tools that can accelerate sustainable development in other businesses, making transformation and sustainability easier for new adopters. Additionally, there are many organisations that offer services in the sustainability space. The VNR is an opportunity to highlight and share existing capabilities and service offerings, creating a marketplace. If your organisation would like to contribute that would enrich the process, please let us know.
How has the reporting process been designed?
The baselined reporting process was designed based on the vision of the DPME for a best practice reporting methodology that is inclusive of all sectors and stakeholders. Best practice global reports were analysed into a prototype methodology which is currently under testing with Champion participants who are piloting the process to ensure it is practical, effective and in line with the objectives and aim of the VNR initiative.